- The Program Review Committee will be made primarily of: The Related Arts team (Art, Music, PE, Library Media), as well as Writing Wall of Fame coordinators, and the Assistant Principal.
- Each Program Review Committee member will serve on one standards team: Curriculum and Instruction, Formative and Summative Assessment, Professional Development and Support Services, Administrative/ Leadership Support and Monitoring
- The teams will each be responsible for identifying and/or collecting evidence, analyzing data, and evaluating one standard for arts and humanities, writing, and practical living & career studies:
- September/October: Curriculum and Instruction
- November/December: Formative and Summative Assessment
- January/February: Professional Development and Support Services
- March/April: Administrative/Leadership Support and Monitoring
- Each Standards Team will report program review results and recommendations to the council:
- October: Curriculum and Instruction
- December: Formative and Summative Assessment
- February: Professional Development and Support Services
- April: Administrative/Leadership Support and Monitoring
- The council will analyze the data periodically throughout the school year provided by the Standards Teams, decide action steps to strengthen the programs, including but not limited to: adjusting staffing, course offerings, and schedule. Pertinent goals, strategies, etc. will be included in the School Improvement Plan. (This is based on the recommendations from the Program Review Committee.)
- The Program Review Committee will report council decisions to the staff.
- The Program Review Committee will write a professional development action plan including justification for plan components and how the action plan will be communicated to stakeholders through a variety of modes (student conferences, web sites, newsletters, etc.)
- The Program Review Committee will monitor and staff will implement the steps to strengthen the programs
The principal will:
- Ensure curriculum is aligned to Kentucky Core Academic Standards
- Ensure the implementation of the program review policy.
- Ensure that the council annually reviews, revises (if necessary), the Program Review Policy by April of each year.
The council will:
- Ensure teachers receive embedded professional development needed to improve instruction in writing, arts and Humanities and Practical Living/Career Studies.
- Ensure staffing allocation decisions are made to support all the school’s instruction programs, including writing, arts and humanities, and practical living/career studies. Each year the council will review the effectiveness of the staffing allocation for supporting the school’s programs.
- Receive regular reports from the principal on the availability of resources for supporting the school’s writing, arts and humanities, and practical living/career studies programs when it makes budget decisions.
- Receive regular reports from the principal on the use of instructional time for supporting the school’s writing, arts and humanities, and practical living/career studies programs
We will evaluate the effectiveness of this policy through our School Improvement Planning Process.
Date Adopted: _5-12__
Date Reviewed or Revised: _____ Council Chairperson’s Initials _____
Date Reviewed or Revised: _____ Council Chairperson’s Initials _____