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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

2024 Kentucky State Assessment Results:

  Math Proficient Math Distinguished Reading Proficient Reading Distinguished
Elementary 30% 11% 32% 16%
Middle 28% 10% 27% 17%
High 23% 11% 32% 13%

Discipline and Classroom Management Policy

DISTRICT CODE of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline

Meadow View Elementary School will follow the Hardin County Schools Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline and the policies in the Parent/Student and Teacher handbook.

During the first week of school, the principal (or principal’s designee) will:

  1. A copy of the District Code of Conduct is sent home with each student on the first day of school and upon enrollment thereafter.  The code is available online at
  2. Require each student to return a signed Acknowledgement Form from his or her parent or guardian showing that the parent or guardian has seen and reviewed the Code.
  3. Follow-up as needed with any student who has not returned the signed acceptance, or assign other staff members to do so.
  4. The Parent/Student handbook can be located online at

The principal (or principal’s designee) will follow steps 1 – 3 above for all students new to the school during the year.


School Safety Plan

Our school will maintain a School Safety Plan addressing procedures to provide a supportive, safe, healthy, orderly, and equitable learning environment for both students and staff.  This plan will also address any issues identified by our stakeholders and issues required by state law.  A copy of our current Safety Plan is attached.  



School Safety Plan Review

Our School Safety Plan will be reviewed annually by the school council, principal and first responders:

  1. A data review of the overall trends in student disciplinary referrals and consequences for the previous year including trends disaggregated by gender, race, disability, and participation in free and reduced price lunch.
  2. An analysis of the implementation and impact of the activities in the plan.
  3. A full report to the council including, but not limited to:
  • An overview of the trends in the disciplinary referrals and consequences data.
  • A report of the status of each activity that should be started or completed.
  • Recommended adjustments needed in the plan to ensure progress toward the school’s safety goals.
  1. The council will be responsible for approving and adopting any changes to the School Safety Plan.

School-wide discipline Rules

In addition to the District Code of Conduct and our School Safety Plan, we have adopted a school-wide Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS).  The primary focus of this system is for all members of the school to be positive, prepared, and productive…Every day, in every way.

MVES students will follow a dress code.  The code can be found in the Parent/Student and teacher Handbooks.   



Principals and assistant principals are responsible for:

  1. Disseminating and interpreting the behavioral and discipline standards and guidelines of the district and school.
  2. Ensuring that all staff and students adhere to the District Code of Conduct.
  3. Providing support and guidance to teachers in the implementation of the district and school behavioral and discipline standards and guidelines.
  4. Working with parents and guardians when issues arise involving behavior and discipline of a student.

Teachers are responsible for:

  1. Upholding specific standards of conduct centered on the PBIS expectations, including clearly defined consequences when those standards are not met.
  2. Communicating those standards to parents and posting them where students can see them throughout the year.
  3. Teaching those standards and consequences to students during the first two weeks students are in the class and explaining the standards and consequences to students who join the class after the first two weeks.  Also to include reviews after each extended break and as needed. 
  4. Holding students to the set standards and issuing the appropriate consequences when those standards are not met.

Counselors are responsible for:

  1. Providing support and guidance to help students and parents understand, correctly interpret, accept, and follow the behavioral standards and guidelines of the district, school, and classrooms.
  2. Providing support and guidance to teachers in the upholding of classroom management techniques and strategies.



Students are responsible for:

  1. Accepting and following the behavioral standards of conduct expected by the district, school, and each classroom.
  2. Asking for help when they do not understand the behavioral expectations or feel that they are unable to comply.

Parents and Guardians are asked to:

  1. Become familiar with documents related to district and school standards of behavior and discipline and ask the school questions when they do not understand language or details in these documents.
  2. Work with the school when issues arise involving their child’s behavior or consequences given to their child by the school or teacher.



MVE Anti-Bullying Policy

Statement of Intent:

We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our pupils so they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at our school. If bullying does occur, all pupils should be able to tell and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. We are a TELLING school. This means that anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell the staff.  

What Is Bullying?

Anyone that repeatedly uses physical, verbal (including spoken and written language), and/or cyber forces in a negative manner towards or in regard to another person that negatively affects him/her or his/her learning environment is bullying.

Bullying is NOT a single event. It is an unwanted repeated pattern of events.

Bullying can be: physical, verbal, cyber, or a combination of these three

Physical Bullying:

It is the repeated use of force towards a person’s body or personal belongings. Examples: Hitting, punching, shoving, kicking, tripping, spitting, elbowing, shoulder checking, pinching, flicking, throwing objects, hair pulling, restraining, inappropriate touching, damaging physical property

Verbal Bullying:

It is repeatedly using negative and/or damaging words (including both spoken and written) towards or in regard to another person (with mal intent). Examples: Negative comments, name calling, lies, rumor, racial slurs, religious/ethic slurs, teasing, cussing, threats, fake complements, sexual orientation attacks


Cyber Bullying:

It is repeatedly using social media, electronic mail, or electronic devices in a negative manner towards or in regard to another person. Examples: Posting negative comments, fake profiles, sexting, texting inappropriate or harmful photos, negative status post, making fun of photos, tagging photos, twitter fights, posting negative videos, hate blog, hate pledges, texting rumors, hacking profiles, nasty emails, sending mean/derogatory forwards



Other students and employees shall not retaliate against a student because he/she reports violation of the Code or assists or participates in any investigation, proceedings, or hearing regarding the violation.  The Superintendent (or designee) shall take measures needed to protect students from such retaliation.

As provided in the Code, students who believe they are victims of these behaviors will be provided with a process to enable them to report such incidents to personnel for appropriate action. 



By the end of the first week of school, the Hardin County Schools Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline will be posted at the school, referenced in our school handbook, and provided to all school employees, parents, and legal guardians, or other persons exercising custodial control or supervision of students including those students who enroll during the school year. 


Before the beginning of each school year, the principal (or designee) will work with the district to develop a process to train employees, when necessary, in the use of the Code and/or to provide update information to the staff, students, and parents concerning this Code.




We will evaluate the effectiveness of this policy through our School Improvement Planning Process.



A.  School Safety Plan



Date Adopted:  _____


Date Reviewed or Revised:  _____   Council Chairperson’s Initials _____


Date Reviewed or Revised:  _____   Council Chairperson’s Initials _____






SCHOOL-WIDE DISCIPLINE RULES:  This section is optional.  If you choose to include a section like this, the rules actually in place and unique to your school that are not covered in the District Code or your School Safety Plan should be listed. 


RESPONSIBILITIES:  These responsibilities should be revised to fit your school and the input you receive from your stakeholders.


BULLYING: The council needs to review the required district policies on bullying before writing their own policy.  This sample policy must be adjusted to fit your particular school situation and level; for example, the staff assigned to various responsibilities and the timelines established may not fit your situation.


There should be no need to reference in this policy all the laws involved in these issues because that should be covered in the district Code of Conduct document.  However, you will want to include a copy of the District Code as an appendix with your policy manual for easy reference.  


Before implementing this policy, councils may want to review the two documents:  Guidelines to Assist School Districts Implement HB 91 (KRS 158.156) from KDE and Model Policies Related to Issues Found in KRS 158.156 from KSBA.  Both documents can be found on the KDE web site.





Attachment A


If you discover fire or smoke, remember R.A.C.E.

  • Rescue: Remove anyone from immediate danger.
  • Alarm:  Call 911 and notify the principal’s office of the fire and activate the nearest emergency pull station.
  • Contain:  Close all doors to confine smoke and fire.
  • Evacuate:  Unless otherwise directed, follow the evacuation plan and proceed to the designated evacuation assembly area outside the building.


  • Remain calm.
  • Evacuate and stay with your students.
  • Remember to take your class roster with you to the designated evacuation assembly area.
  • Close your classroom/office door as you leave.
  • Once you have reached the designated evacuation assembly area, account for all students and report any missing students to the principal.
  • Only return to the building when directed by the principal.



  • STOP where you are,
  • DROP to the ground and,
  • ROLL over and over to smother flames.


  • Be prepared to evacuate or shelter- in- place.
  • Be prepared for further explosions.
  • If evacuation is ordered, proceed the to the designated assembly area.
  • Open doors carefully and watch for falling objects.
  • Report any missing students to the principal.



  • Wedge wet towels or cloth materials along the bottom of the door to keep out the smoke.
  • Try to close as many doors as possible between you and the fire.
  • Use the telephone to notify 911 of your problem and location.
  • If you are trapped in an area and need fresh air, only break the window as a last resort and use caution when breaking the window.


 Tornado Watch- Issued by the National Weather Service when severe weather conditions and possible tornadoes could occur in the area.

  • When a tornado watch is in effect, the school will continue normal activities but move recess and physical education activities indoors.
  • Be prepared to respond if weather conditions worsen.
  • School will not be dismissed early and dismissal will be at the regular time even if the watch is still in effect.


Tornado Warning- Issued when a tornado has been cited or indicated by weather radar.

  • Immediately move to your designated shelter areas.  Teachers will remain with students.
  • Close blinds or drapes, and stay away from windows, mirrors, glass and unsecured objects such as filing cabinets.
  • Have students sit on the floor along interior walls or as far away from any windows as possible. Calmly demonstrate the “duck and cover” procedure to the students. Have students ready to assume the “duck and cover” position following your command.
  • If high winds or tornadoes strike the building, shout “duck and cover” and assume the position yourself. Remain in the “duck and cover” position until you hear the “All Clear” announced.
  • Assess the situation with respect to injuries or building damage and, if conditions are safe, send a staff member or student to the principal’s office. If trained to do so, render first aid to those who are injured until medical help arrives.
  • Take attendance and account for all children in your class.
  • Unless there is an imminent hazard in the area, keep children from leaving the area until emergency crews arrive.  If the building is significantly damaged, several hazards such as exposed electrical wires, sharp or falling debris, etc., may be present.
  • Do not dismiss students unless directed by the school principal.
  • No student will be permitted to leave the designated shelter area unless released to his/her parent or guardian.


Duck and Cover:  Occupants should sit or kneel, place their head down and protect their head and torso with their arms.

Areas to avoid:

  • Spaces that are opposite doorways or openings into rooms that have windows in the exterior walls, particularly facing south and west.
  • Corridor intersections (stay at least 10 feet away).
  • Areas with large roof spans.





The decision to lockdown a school rests with the principal or designee. A lockdown consists of getting all  staff and students into a secure room/ area and locking all interior and exterior doors and windows.

A lockout means that all doors will be secured, but classes will stay in session.



  • Remain calm and stay with your students.
  • Cancel all outside activities and direct students and staff to get into the school.
  • Commence the lockdown immediately by closing and locking all interior and exterior doors if possible.
  • Close all windows and keep all blinds and curtains open.
  • Keep students quiet and away from doors and windows.
  • Maintain a calm environment through calm leadership. Reassure students that everything possible is being done to return the situation to normal.
  • If a gunshot or an explosion is heard, get everyone on the floor.
  • Contact the principal’s office immediately if you have an emergency in your room or place a red card underneath the door in the hallway. Place a green card in the hallway if your room is safe.
  • Do not allow students to be unattended at any time.
  • Conduct a frequent roll call of all students and immediately report any missing students to the front office.
  • Lockdown is to remain in effect until canceled by the principal and an “All Clear” is announced.



  • If an intruder/ unauthorized person enters the school, notify the principal’s office immediately. The principal will call 911.
  • If possible, ask the unauthorized person to report to the school office. If the unauthorized person refuses to report to the office the teacher should contact the principal’s office, advise of the situation and give a description of the unauthorized person.
  • Prepare to lockdown or start to lockdown your area.
  • Listen for instructions from the principal’s office.
  • Call the building administration office if you had any missing or injured students.
  • Do not unlock your doors until you hear the “All Clear” announced.


  • Call 911 and the building administration office immediately.
  • Move everyone away from the hostage situation as rapidly and as quietly as possible.
  • Listen for instructions to evacuate the area or activate lockdown procedures.
  • Account for all students and advise the principal of any missing students.
  • Gather all the facts regarding the situation for the police. Gather detailed descriptions of the suspects and victims, including clothing, location and weapons. Keep notes on times, any communication from the person(s) holding the hostages and other witness information.



Evacuation of a classroom or area may be ordered by the teacher, supervising adult, principal, or local public safety agencies. The purpose is to move students away from potentially threatening situations that do not require full building evacuation.

Evacuation of a building is used to move students and staff out of the building by a pre-designed route (if useable) to avoid a potentially threatening situation that involves the entire building.

Orders to evacuate the building may be issued by the building administrator, his/her designee or local public safety agencies.





  • Remain calm and stay with your students.
  • Tell students to go immediately, in a calm and orderly manner, to the designated evacuation assembly area.
  • Remember to take your class roster with you.
  • Consider special-needs occupants that may need assistance evacuating.
  • When leaving a room, feel the door with the back of your hand before opening it. Do not open any door that feels hot.
  • If smoke is present, stay low. The best quality of air is near the floor.
  • If your primary route is blocked or unusable, use your secondary exit route.
  • Do not take personal items with you.
  • Close doors behind you when exiting.
  • Walk, do not run.
  • Do not go into restrooms.
  • Once you have reached the designated area, account for all students and immediately report any missing students to the principal.
  • Stay with students, keeping them in a group.
  • Remain at the designated evacuation assembly area until directed by the principal and an “All Clear” has been announced.